If you’re looking for the Pyramid Kodi add-on, it no longer exists, but not to worry. The Pyramid add-on has an alternative known as Movie Theater Butter. This Kodi add-on is also an alternative for the Exodus movie add-on for the Kodi platform also. That’s one add-on that replaces two previous add-ons for Kodi! Movie Theater Butter must be one great addition to your Kodi platform, right?
Was bietet das Movie Theater Butter Add-On den Kodi-Nutzern? Die erste Funktion, die Movie Theater Butter von anderen Kodi Add-Ons unterscheidet, ist die „Ein-Klick-Wiedergabe“-Funktion. Diese Funktion ist insofern eine Besonderheit, als dass sie nicht für alle Add-Ons auf der Kodi-Plattform verfügbar ist.
Neue Nutzer der Kodi-Plattform werden von diesem Add-On begeistert sein, weil es einfach zu bedienen und daher sehr benutzerfreundlich ist. Die Ein-Klick-Wiedergabe funktioniert folgendermaßen: Du wählst einfach den Film aus, den du ansehen möchtest, und das Movie Theater Butter Add-on wählt den besten Stream entsprechend deiner Internetverbindungsgeschwindigkeit. Sobald das Add-On die passende Streamqualität für deine Internetgeschwindigkeit ermittelt hat, spielt das Movie Theater Butter Add-on den Film automatisch ab. Wie der Name schon sagt, ein Klick genügt.

Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Kodi-Add-Ons musst du bei Movie Theater Butter nicht Hunderte an Streams auf verschiedenen Servern ausprobieren, um einen zu finden, der zu deiner Internetverbindung passt. Ob deine Internetverbindung langsam, durchschnittlich oder superschnell ist, wenn du das Movie Theater Butter Add-On verwendest, hast du weniger Probleme mit Ladezeiten und Pufferung als bei anderen Add-Ons auf der Kodi-Plattform.
Warum du ein VPN für Movie Theater Butter brauchst
Es wäre zwar toll, wenn du kein VPN verwenden müsstest, aber es ist besser, auf Nummer sicher zu gehen. Eine Sache, die du bedenken solltest, ist nämlich, dass Movie Theater Butter und viele andere Kodi-Add-Ons wie Ego oder Wako auf Streams zugreifen können, die urheberrechtlich geschützte Inhalte enthalten.
Unless you know how to check this, you could be in trouble with the authorities – even more so with the one-click-play feature in Movie Theater Butter. Fortunately, VPNs like Shellfire VPN are available to help protect your privacy, provide security, and help you avoid a variety of restrictions.
VPNs sorgen für den Datenschutz auf deinem Computer und in deinem Netzwerk. Hacker können recht leicht auf deine persönlichen Daten zugreifen, wenn sie nicht durch ein VPN geschützt sind. Mit deinen persönlichen Daten können diese Kriminellen dann Kreditkarten, Darlehen und andere Dinge beantragen und dir erheblichen finanziellen Schaden zufügen. Und auch die Wiederherstellung deiner Identität nach einem Identitätsdiebstahl verursacht hohe Kosten, und ist mitunter ein langwieriger rechtlicher Prozess. Diese Probleme und Frustrationen können durch den Einsatz eines VPN garantiert vermieden werden.
With a VPN, you can stream anywhere, even using a public Wi-Fi network without worrying about someone gaining access to your information. A public Wi-Fi network is not the best to use because it is an “open network,” which means it is not secured by a password, and anyone can access it. When you have a VPN, you can use a public network without worrying about security.
Commercial VPNs like Shellfire VPN are much better than free VPNs when it comes to security as they generally offer a no-logging policy. With free VPNs, for example, your connection is also generally slower but considering they keep logs of all of your activities online, how secure and private is your connection really?
Avoiding Restrictions
Using a VPN helps you avoid geo-restrictions. Have you ever wanted to watch a show or movie, but couldn’t because of your location? Using a VPN like Shellfire allows you to bypass geographic restrictions, which means you can watch your favorite shows and movies whenever you want without worrying about missing out on the action. Having a VPN removes geo-restrictions around the world, which gives you access to a variety of content from around the world. Regardless of where you live, you can get cozy in your favorite room in the house and watch as many movies and shows as you like!
Movie Theater Butter auf Kodi installieren
- Open the Kodi software and allow it to load completely. The time it takes this platform to load is determined by the device you’re using. Some devices take longer to load Kodi than others.
- Open the main menu on the Kodi platform by clicking the “Main Menu” tab. Next, click the system icon. This icon resembles a gear cog and is usually located between the search tool and Kodi’s power button.
- Next, you need to enter Kodi’s system manager settings. In the system manager tab, you have access to a variety of settings, including settings for the player, service, profile, skin, PVR and live TV, media, interface, and other Kodi settings. Also, in the system manager tab, you can access the event log, system information, and the file manager. Select the “file manager” tab or picture. This tab has a picture of a folder on it.
- When the file manager tab opens, a new window will appear, and you will see the options “profile directory” and “add source.” Click add source.
- Clicking the add source options causes a box to pop up titled “add file source.” Next, click “none.” and then input the following exactly: http://repo.rubyjewelwizard.com/ and then click OK.
- At the bottom of this box, you will be asked to enter a name for your media source. Name the media source to something you can easily remember. If you prefer, you can use the default file name “Diamond Wizard.” Make sure you type the name correctly in the specific field. Failure to input the proper information will result in an incomplete installation of the Movie Theater Butter add-on for Kodi. Once you’ve checked for typos, select the “okay” button. Clicking okay completes the installation for the source location.
- Make your way back to the home screen and select the “add-ons” tab. You will find this tab between the “pictures” and “radio” tab. The Kodi home screen menu is usually located on the left side of the screen. On the Kodi home screen, at the top, there will be a variety of categories, including available updates, install from the repository, recently updated, my add-ons, and a variety of other categories. Make sure you select the tab from the Kodi menu on the left and not from the top of the page in the category section.

- Once you select “add-ons” or “package manager” for some Kodi users, a new window will appear. Next, click “install from zip file” and then select the zip file named “Diamond Wizard” or select the file with the custom name you provided when you named the URL.
- This will install the repository on your system. Next, go back one step and select “install from repository” and then choose the Diamond Build Repo.
- Go into Video add-ons and then select Movie Theater Butter and choose Install. You will get a pop up showing all of the additional files that will be installed. Click OK and wait for the add-on to be installed on your system.
- Congratulations! You have installed the Movie Theater Butter add-on for your Kodi device!
If you want a great add-on for all of the latest movies and films you cannot do better than Movie Theater Butter. It is important to ensure that you are using a commercial VPN like Shellfire VPN with Movie Theater Butter or any of the other Kodi add-ons we recommend though. This is for your protection and to ensure that your viewing experience is not impacted.