Established in 1952, World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) has become synonymous with fast-paced, action-packed events. It also boasts a worldwide following in selected countries of over 3.5 million, and is available through local TV services. But did you know that you can also access the latest entertainment from WWE through the WWE Network?
The WWE Network is a 24-hour a day channel available on the WWE Website and through the WWE App. The channel can be streamed to just about any device. Simply put, you can now access the latest superstars in action with ease. A WWE Network subscription costs a little under $10 per month.
What you get from a WWE Network Subscription
A network subscription to the WWE Network gives you access to all live WWE Pay-Per-View events. In addition, you will also have access to a wide range of media such as Stone Cold Podcasts, the WWE Ride Along, The Monday Night War, The Edge & Christian Show, Camp WWE and WWE Countdown. You will also get a front row seat to hours of on-demand programming.
All you will need is a fast and reliable internet connection, a connected device and your WWE Network subscription. It is recommended that you connect using a wired Ethernet device as Wifi connected devices are prone to lag. Lag will cause your live streaming action to buffer and no-one wants that.
WWE Network in Cuba and North Korea
The WWE Network is currently unavailable to users in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Abkhazia, Sudan, Syria and Liechtenstein. If you live in any of these countries then you likely missed WWE’s Survivor Series.
It’s the one night a year that superstars from rival shows Raw and SmackDown battle it out in what can be best described as entertainment heaven. This year was no different. The main event featured superstars Brock Lesnar and AJ Styles and while the bout was not a title fight, fans from around the world thought they’d never have the opportunity to see the fight.
If you’re wondering why you missed this and more from WWE it’s because you are geographically blocked from accessing it. But, it’s rather simple to unlock this content. All you need is a subscription to a VPN (Virtual Private Network) such as Shellfire. Learn more about the VPN here.
To access the VPN, simply log on to your account and select the country to which you want to connect through the VPN. In this case, you will want to log into a computer in a country which has access to the WWE Network such as the USA. Now open your WWE Network App, sign in and enjoy the entertainment. You can learn more about geo-blocking here.
WWE Network connected devices
Now, let’s get you set up on a few devices:
Firstly, take note that to view WWE Network content you must be a WWE Network subscriber and be signed in to your WWE account. Once your account is verified, you will be taken to the home screen where you can select the programs you want to watch. You can join a current program by clicking Watch Now on the app or from your computer. Alternatively, you can start the program from the beginning by clicking Watch From the Beginning. To access on-demand content, simply head to the search bar and type in the event you are looking for.
Watching WWE on your VPN capable device
This is actually more simple than it sounds. All you need to do is log into your account with your VPN service provider from the device you are using, then select a country you want to connect to. Now log into your WWE Network account!
Honestly, viewing the next great WWE installment could not be easier.
How to watch on PC and MAC
Go to, then click on the WWE Network logo. It should be situated in the upper right. Now sign in to your account.
WWE Network on iOS
It is vital to note that you have to be using iOS 6 or higher. You must also use the WWE app version 3.0 or higher to run WWE Network. Now, to install the app, if you do not already have it, simply log on to the App Store. Search for the WWE app and select it. Next, select “free” followed by “install”. The app will be installed on your device and all you need to do is log into your account.
How to watch WWE on Android
You must be using Android OS 2.3.3 or higher, and you must also be using app version 3.0 or higher. If you do not already have the WWE app on your device, simply check it out in the Google Play Store by searching for WWE. Now simply select the app and click install followed by a click on the accept button. The app will create a shortcut on the device automatically. Lastly, log into your account.
Watching WWE if your device does not support VPN
While most devices around your home can be easily connected to a VPN network, there are still some which are not compatible with the technology. But it is, however, possible to connect to a VPN network even if the device you are using does not support VPN. The simple solution for this is a VPN Router, which is essentially a normal router, with VPN software installed on it.
Setting up the device could not be more simple. You just need to plug the router into your existing Internet router and you’re ready to go. After a short automatic configuration process, you’ll notice that you have two separate networks available on your internet connected devices. Connect to the new network and sign into your VPN subscription. Now you’ll be able to take advantage of all the VPN features, even on devices which do not support VPN networks.
WWE Network on PlayStation
To use either your PlayStation3 or PlayStation4 to watch the latest content on the WWE Network, you simply need to download the WWE app. It will be freely available to you in the PlayStation Store. Simply select the WWE app from the list and click to download. It will now install. The app will now be accessible to you using the menu labelled video on your PlayStation.
How to watch WWE Network on Xbox
Here are a few simple steps to follow when you want to make use of your Xbox One or Xbox 360 and your subscription to the WWE Network. First, you will need to download the free WWE app which can be found in the Apps Marketplace. Head on over to the Apps menu and search for WWE. Next, select the app for download.
You’ll need to sign in to your Xbox Live Profile by pressing the A button on Member Sign. Next step is to access your WWE account by signing in. Both your username and password can be entered in through the on-screen keyboard. When you are successfully logged in you will be taken to the WWE Network homepage.